Nobuto Suda

Born in 1985, Kyoto, currently living in Yamaguchi. I create music by mixing sounds such as guitar, piano, and environmental sounds on DAW like a child playing with toys. In the past, he released his works in small numbers on various DIY labels. In his late twenties, he wanted to study and became self-taught while working part-time. He is currently enrolled in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Sanyo-Onoda City University.
A memorial piece for Ryuichi Sakamoto
This is an ambient piece based on Chopin’s Nocturne No. 2 in E-flat major, Op. 9-2.
As someone who began practicing piano in my late twenties and cannot even play Bach’s Sinfonia to my satisfaction, Ryuichi Sakamoto is a completely remote figure, and I am not sure I understand his awareness of the issues involved or his vision of music. Music, however, is not only a product of advanced education but also a human cultural activity that manipulates the excitement of auditory cells caused by air vibrations transmitted to the ear. Although the ancient Egyptian mural painting style was common for 2,500 years, it is not necessarily the case that the style did not necessarily encompass the entire range of pictorial expression, the style of human cultural activities using each sense organ may not necessarily encompass the possibilities of expression using that organ.
The reason why Ryuichi Sakamoto, despite being a genuine elite in music education, also approached non-instrumental and environmental sounds may be because he could not ignore this gap between styles and possibilities as a music specialist. In this respect, I think Ryuichi Sakamoto was a sincere scholar.
I think it is more important to focus on the purpose of what one wants to achieve through one’s expression, rather than on the classification of musical instruments or non-instrumental instruments. Because no matter what genre of music it is, it is a cultural expression of human beings, and the act of expression has meaning and purpose.
I hope that the music I submitted is not inappropriate for mourning the deceased.