Marcus Fischer

Marcus Fisher

  Marcus Fischer is a sound and visual artist who creates, collects, and transforms sound into immersive, layered compositions for performances and installations. Site-specific assemblages of exposed speakers, tape loops, and found objects are characteristic of his installations, paired with melodies of restraint and tension. He has composed music for independent films and multi-media installations and has released numerous recordings both solo and collaborative. He contributed two sound works and two performances to the 2019 Whitney Biennial as the sole artist from the Pacific Northwest included in the edition. As an installation artist, he is interested in engaging with the audience’s experience of time and space in unconventional and unexpected ways.

  “MASS” – mass shootings in the united states
  Between “low flying owls” – book/cd


  I was first introduced to Ryuichi Sakamoto by Taylor Deupree in Reykjavik, Iceland in 2014. In the years since that introduction I would get the occasional email or direct message from R. Congratulating me on a release or sharing some thought with me with was always a surprise and a treat. In 2019 I was traveling back and forth from Portland to New York frequently and would often stay close to R’s home. We met for brunch one morning at the restaurant across the street where the most memorable topic we discussed at length was about the nature of collaboration and how to best approach it. He told me about successes and failures he had in collaboration and how you have to banish fear and embrace trust. After the meal, he told me that his biggest regret was never approaching David Bowie to collaborate on music even though they lived a little over a mile away from one another for years. I was lucky enough to collaborate with Ryuichi on two different occasions which was a great honor and a rewarding experience. I heard the finished mix of our second collaboration for the first time the week before he passed away. I hope that if there is an afterlife, Mr. Sakamoto and Mr. Bowie are working on something beautiful together.